Join us in beautiful Cabo St Lucas August 13th to the 20th 2017.
Below is the hotel to book as “All Inclusive"

Day 1

Aug 13th
Arrival and Networking

As everyone travels in from all corners of the globe we will start the arriving day with a great meet and greet networking event from 7pm to 9pm or beyond. Come meet our teams and leaders who will arrive the day before to make sure they are there. I can not personally stress enough the value of relationships and friendships. Education is important but so is «People and Relationship» building.

Aug 14th
Taking Action

We will kick off the morning with breakfast and education. Our chef will prepare very healthy and delicious fat burning meals. While you enjoy breakfast I will be educating you on how to eat delicious and healthy meals for fat loss without ever counting calories! 1 hour

We will then head over to the conference room for some great education. 4 hours

  1. How to magnetically attract people to you rather than you prospecting them ever
  2. Learning to grow and accept being «Out of your comfort zone» this is a MUST but easy to do :-)
  3. How to move past failure. Get up dust off and move forward fast
  4. Your FAQ on today’s material

The rest of the day will be spent on a fun and exciting excursion together «To be Announced»

Day 2

Day 3

Aug 15th
Prospecting and Leads

We will kick off day two at breakfast again with how to eat healthy, lose weight, build muscle without weighing your food or counting calories at all. Then we will go to the conference room once again for some deep education.

  1. Defining your leaders fast. How to know if someone is an «action taker» within the first few sentences.
  2. Understanding the true UNique Selling Propositions of
  3. How to get those «not interested» to truly start chasing you!
  4. How to Network through trust and referrals.
  5. How to truly get and attract only like minded positive people into your life!

We will end the day again with another fun excursion of your choice!!

Aug 16th
Prospecting and Leads Online

This day will be intense. We will cover all the ways to generate traffic, prospects and sales online.

  1. Solo ads. Where to find great email traffic. How to use tracking links and videos to see that the traffic is NOT incentivized and good quality. Our rolodex of good providers.
  2. The Do’s and Dont’s of Facebook Ads. How to set up your ads from A to Z and make sure that your biz opp ads are compliant.
  3. Traffic exchanges. Yes they do work if you have the right message and opt in page!!
  4. Finding local MLMers in your area using facebook local!

Today will be a day where you are free to network or go and spend some good quality time with the people you brought on this amazing retreat. The more family you bring the more support you will get long term!

Day 4

Day 5

Aug 17th
Topics of Discussion and Pain Points

Today will be dedicated by YOU. This will be a long open discussion on sharing what is working and what is not working in your business. You will get great advice from others based on experience and not gut instinct.

  1. Open honest, and candid mic from me Joel Therien. The amount of times I did things wrong OMG.. learn from all my mistakes and successes.
  2. Our top earners will share their candid experience and failure too.
  3. Open mic for all attendees to discuss any strategy.

The afternoon will be for a must attend exercise of «Coming Out of Your Comfort Zone» YES… this will be fun but a truly MUST attend exercise.. (Naked on the beach? NOT! I promise)

Aug 18th
Expansion of your Mindset

A mind once expanded can NOT contract. As example my first goal was to pay my small mortgage with my online business. It was only $500 a month. At that time I could not conceive doing a million dollars or more per month. Now strong 5 figure days are the norm.

  1. How to get past your own «Negative thinking» to explode your income!
  2. Goal setting both daily, monthly and yearly to move to 7 figures fast!
  3. Hypnosis for positive mindset.. YES I can hypnotize people but I promise I will not make you bark like a dog :-)

The above will include exercises to truly change your mindset forever. So much so that should you encounter anyone «Negative» again it will not affect your mood our outcome in business.

Day 6

Day 7

Aug 19th
The Importance of Multiple Sources of Income

While we love you building and we are never going away, having all your eggs in one place is NEVER a good idea.

Please Note: You will leave here excited, energized and more pumped then you have ever felt before. Remember what you learned. There are many «conservative» mindsets out there. Going home and sharing your excitement with your best friend who works for the Government is not a good idea… or your aunt, or your sister.. You get the idea :-)

We will have many follow up webinars to keep you on your proper mindset to success!

With love and success, your friend and mentor

Joel Therien

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