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Hi Everyone,
Today on "Have Fun Friday's" blog we have:
>> we hired a NEW and YOUNG CEO and Marketing
>> We have some brand new pics of our NEW data center
>> Texas mold on our brains
>> Happy 4th of July
>> Happy Canada Day! Eh!
>> More Fireants!
We NEED YOUR FEEDBACK on what YOU want to see at and when we open the new Data center here in San Antonio
PLEASE POST YOUR comments on what you want to see us add to and
Have an awesome weekend!
--Joel Therien
24. June 2008
Hi Everyone,
In today's video blog Mike and I will be showing you how YOU make money with:
>>> Free hosting from Kiosk
>>> Dedicated Servers and commissions on them
>>> The opening of our new data center in San Antonio
>>> Turnkey reselling of both HC and Kiosk
You will also see why this video was not posted yesterday. I was attacked by one of the most vicious creatures in Texas
Also, PLEASE post below if you or someone you know are interested in a or dedicated server.
Have an awesome day!
--Joel Therien
20. June 2008
Hi Everyone
In today's blog we show you how:
>>> How to get videos on your website or your blog like we do. This is really important as video definitely converts anywhere from 3 to 10 times better than ad copy when trying to make sales!
>>> How Mike nearly BURNED HIS HOUSE to the ground!
>>> Coming is a and CRUISE in January. Please let us know on the blog if you are interested in coming?? Post now on the blog!
>>> The three fundamentals of HOCKEY in your offline sales. (Mike promised this from last week)!
>>> Make sure you watch the end as you will not be able to resist our VERY irresistible one time offer on hockey sticks
Please watch the video blog first. Then click here to see exactly how we made this video and how you too, can get your videos on your site.
--Joel Therien
13. June 2008
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We created this blog because we have to remember why we started an internet company. To get away from the 9 to 5 corporate stuff.
I hope you enjoy our blog, if you do, we will try to make every Friday blog both informative and fun! Please post your comments below as I promise I read every single one!
--Joel Therien
3. June 2008
Hey everyone,
Mike and I sat down for another 30 minute video blog that is jammed with a lot of great information for you.
I have to say, we really enjoyed all the great positive feedback you left on our last blog.
If you are enjoying this communication format please post your comments below on any concerns or questions you may have about what we talked about in this video blog.
Oh yes, if you do not know who Bob and Doug McKenzie are, just go to and type in their names
They truly are AWESOME Canadian celebrities.
--Joel Therien
P.S. I hope you liked our video Intro It is just a small example of the professional video to come!
P.P.S. If you want to private brand your hotconference room just log in here
27. June 2008