Hi Everyone,
I just wanted to take a moment to wish all of you, and your families the very best in 2008. I know I say it alot, but I truly mean it from the bottom of my heart. You are greatly appreciated, I LOVE working with you, I am humbled, and the luckiest person alive to be working with you!
Continue reading...21. December 2007
Hi Everyone
I just simply want to wish you the very best holiday season. You
are appreciated by our team more than you will ever know!
–Joel Therien and the rest of the staff
31. October 2007
I know this video is not professional to say the least but we had fun. Have a very best halloween!
17. October 2007
Hi everyone,
This is a VERY exciting time for our business together as there are ALOT of new commissionable products coming REALLY soon!
–Joel Therien
2. October 2007
Wow. It has been a long time! I have been hard at work working for you! We just landed a deal that will turn our datacenter into a reality TV show!
Continue reading...
1. January 2008