Hi everyone,
It is been quite a few weeks since we did a members only
conference call so I have a lot to cover with you tomorrow
Monday, April 16, 2007 at 11am Eastern Time.
What I would like to cover in this call are:
1. Some final touch ups before we launch the new Kiosk
web site. It can be seen at http://gvohosting.com/kiosk/
2. The power of interactive video, the popularity of /”>propecia insurance YouTube.com
and vlogging rather than blogging!
3. I would like to get some feedback from you on our new staff
and new live-support hours.
4. Time for your question and answers.
The link to the members only conference room can be found in
your members area of kiosk.WS or Hotconference.com.
See you tomorrow at 11 a.m.,
–Joel Therien
7. April 2007
Listen to the audio version below.
Hi Everyone
Happy Passover and Easter weekend to you. I certainly hope
you’re spending some time with your families.
I wanted to touch base with you to talk to you about something
I have been promising for many months and after extensive testing
I feel very comfortable telling you about.
What is it?
We all know, our best prospective client is someone who is
already intrigued by the Internet. However, we also know that this
target market is limited in size relative to the individuals around
the world who are
“Thinking about getting their business online”
We know that the vast majority of potential clients around the world
are the conventional off-line business people. The people who know
they need a Web presence but just aren’t quite sure how to develop one
or they already have one and don’t know how to effectively market it.
Do you agree with me?
Over the past six months, I have been developing and testing a turnkey
marketing solution that gets the off-line world to take action and join our
The reason I am writing to you is because if you would like to see
this marketing in action please visit http://GVOlive.com
This marketing system is an information packed seminar where
I “spill the beans” on everything I have learned about effective
online marketing over the past eight years.
If you would like to attend the seminar please go to http://GVOlive.com
and fill out the form. But please, if you do not plan on attending you
are welcome to read the web site but do not fill out the form on the bottom.
So how does this seminar financially benefit you?
After this seminar in Hartford, I plan on turning over this marketing system
to all of our affiliates who are interested in conducting a seminar in their area.
You will generate, a $500 commission on every person who purchases
our package at the end of the event.
So far, in conducting our tests and running a few seminars locally in the
Ottawa area we’ve generated close to $40,000 in sales. If we generate
a similar sales volume at your event, this would translate to a 25%
commission or approximately $10,000 in your pocket!
Not to mention, the residual income that is their year after year!
This week, I plan on holding a special conference in our members
only conference room for those of you who may be interested in running
a turnkey seminar in your local area.
Again, I sincerely hope you’re having a great holiday weekend and
please watch for my e-mail about our conference in the coming days.
–Joel Therien
4. April 2007
Hi Everyone,
Please listen to the audio message below, It covers some esentials of business that I want to cover with you. Such as
1. New live Support hours
2. Our move to San Antonio
Unfortunately I will not be able /”>is propecia covered by insurance to once again do my conference tonight. As I am leaving for Hartford Ct right after work.
I hope that these recordings keep you up to speed until we get to San Antonio.
22. March 2007
Good morning everyone,
I just wanted to touch base with everybody to thank you for your patience over the trying times in the past couple of weeks. It seems like Murphy’s Law that the minute you go away what can happen will happen. And of course as you know, the minute I stepped on a plane towards San Antonio, we had a slew of those awful virus attacks.
I’m happy to say, that the worst seems behind us. We have installed PHPsuexec on all of our shared hosting servers and there seems to be only a few minor issues left with some of our clients PHP scripts.
With regards to shell access on our servers, I totally understand that some of you need this to run your scripts properly. If you can be patient just a short while longer we will find the solution to re enable shell access for the users that need it. At this moment however, our security team is still investigating exactly how these viruses were placed on our servers. Re-opening shell access without knowing exactly how this occurred could cause the infection to come back again.
One solution our security team is proposing is the possibility of providing shell access users a dedicated IP in our data center. This is still in its preliminary stages and I promise you it won’t be much longer until we find a perfect solution.
On a more positive note, I’m happy to say that things are moving along nicely with acquiring the property for our satellite office in San Antonio Texas. Preliminary studies have shown that through ATT and Sprint, a limitless amount of fiber optisc is available in the area. This is great news! I really wish I had a lot more time to network with everybody in our conference room but setting up the satellite office is /”>propecia occupying roughly 80% of my time.
The best I can do, is keep you updated via my blog on what I’m doing personally and the direction that our company is heading.
A new addition to our network: chatandpromote.com this is replacing our old wwkiosk.com. Make sure you go and sign up!
Why did we decide to open this site? Simple. We know that alot of people want to tell the world about their business. It can be hard to get noticed right? Right. So here is your chance. This forum is open to the world, and if what we expect to happen happens, it will be very high on search engine results for marketing related searches.
Here’s a really cool feature: Affiliate links allowed! Most if not all forums we have seen do not allow affiliate links. Here, we welcome them with open arms.
We welcome you to visit ChatAndPromote.com, this site is for you, invite all your friends, take a look at the offers (yes, there might be some HOT offers posted), and hang out with us for a while!
Have a tremendous weekend,
Joel Therien
9. March 2007
Hi everyone,
Unlike San Antonio Texas, it is well below the freezing point here in Canada, but it is still very nice to be home. My trip was very productive, I found a commercial location for our satellite office in Texas, and placed an offer on it.
However, the offer was conditional to a feasibility study making sure that there is enough fiber optics in the area. Specifically, we are looking for dark fiber so that we can run gigabits of bandwidth to our possible new location.
Let me apologize, for not staying in touch more often. The only frustrating part about my trip was the less than stellar Internet connection at the hotel. I was getting disconnected both on a wired and wireless line every minute or two. It was so bad that I could not even update you here on my blog.
We also had a /”>buy propecia no prescription great time in San Antonio on a more personal level. The history behind the Alamo, the weather, and the growth of the north side of the city and potential for business is limitless. We were also able to meet with another legend in the Internet marketing world. Most of you probably already heard of the name “Joel Christopher”.
I had the pleasure of networking with Joel and going out to lunch with him. He’s a very intelligent individual and I look forward to spending more time with him once we become a neighbor in his area.
Because I’ve been primarily out of the office for nine days please let me take today to update myself on what has been going on here. Of course, I am very familiar with the virus attack that occurred but I also want to update you on our new kiosk web site, and the new features of Hotconference.com
I look forward to our hotconference.com meeting together this coming Monday. If you’re interested I have placed some photos from our business trip on my photo gallery here:
The commercial location we put an offer on can be found on this page, it is the beige and orange building.
Have a tremendous weekend and I will see you this coming Monday,
Joel Therien
15. April 2007