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Business and relationshsips…I was blown away.

9. February 2007




Sometimes on the Internet, you wonder how it’s possible to build such strong relationships with people all over the world that you’ve never met in person.  This past year, has been one of the most fulfilling for me because I have been traveling more and meeting many of our client base and friends face-to-face.


Yesterday, when I wrote to everyone to apologize for missing a conference call Wednesday night, I was really just writing to let people know how badly I felt about being a no-show.  Needless to say I was totally taken back and blown away on the amount of e-mails I got. Never would I have imagined that so many of you would be legitimately concerned about the back pain I suffered.


In reflection, I really want all of you to know that a Ilona, myself, and my staff deeply care as much about you all as it looks like you care about us. I really miss the beginning days of when we had about 400 clients. I was able to give the much-needed personal attention to almost all of our clients at that time.  Now that we service close to 50,000 people it has become unfortunately an impossibility for me to stay in touch with all of you in this fashion on a regular basis.


So I just wanted to let you all know, that some of you do call me, and yes, I never returned a call.  Please know and understand that every morning that I awake and every night before bed the first and last things on my mind are you all. 

Back for a moment to the legitimate concerns many of you e-mailed about my health. Firstly, please do not be too concerned.  Well before the Internet I have always been a “health junkie” very in tune with my body.  I follow a healthy diet religiously, I take plenty of anti-oxidents, exercise at least four times per week, and I am decently knowledgeable about naturopathic and homeopathic remedies.

I will admit, /”>propecia low price that I push myself to the limit way too often and at this very moment there’s a lot of emotional stress in our business.  The cost of opening a satellite office in
Texas is going to be astronomically expensive as well as a huge emotional stressor on my family. 

So why go?  To be honest, from a financial business decision we can not ignore the huge cost in savings primarily in bandwidth and real estate.  My goal is to take kiosk.WS, and other sites that we own to the $100 million per year mark.  In order to be able to do so, and to better compete on the international market we need to lower costs.  Moving from Canada to Texas will cost us approximately one tenth of our raw bandwidth costs. That is a savings that is impossible to ignore.

So again I just wanted to thank all of you for so many kind e-mails. It has humbled me greatly and I promise to always do my best and always have you in mind as we continue to move our business forward.Have a tremendous weekend!

–Joel Therien

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Here comes a brand new look for

5. February 2007

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Hi Everyone,

Quite a a few months and alot of testing has gone into our new website. It took awhile, because sometimes you get blinded with time. He still actually seems like yesterday, when we first launched our FFA system (free-for-all). People raved about how we were the only web hosting company in the world who understood online marketing and bulk mailing to an FFA system.

Today however, we all know /”>propecia persistence program that FFA systems are not quite as effective as they used to be in the past.  Times change, and as a result so do companies. So our new web site focuses exactly on what our strengths are.  Over time we have come to build a reputation that we really understand the online marketing community, and most importantly pre launches, the launch phase, and the post launch.

Many times over now, we have held some top Internet marketers with an extremely successful launch of their products and services.  People like Mike Filsaime, Ken Mcarthur, Joel Christopher,Sterling Balentine, Michael Cheney, and others.  Some of our client list also includes people like Mark Joyner, Armand Morin, Alan Bectold, and most importantly YOU!

We are expecting to launch the new kiosk.WS web site by the end of this week. Included, are a few new features, they are for the first time offering dedicated servers to the public and offering an UNLIMITED domain Hosting with our Titanium package.

Until Next time!

–Joel Therien

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Here comes a brand new look for

5. February 2007


Hi Everyone,

Quite a a few months and alot of testing has gone into our new website. It took awhile, because sometimes you get blinded with /”>brand propecia online time. He still actually seems like yesterday, when we first launched our FFA system (free-for-all). People raved about how we were the only web hosting company in the world who understood online marketing and bulk mailing to an FFA system.

Today however, we all know that FFA systems are not quite as effective as they used to be in the past.  Times change, and as a result so do companies. So our new web site focuses exactly on what our strengths are.  Over time we have come to build a reputation that we really understand the online marketing community, and most importantly pre launches, the launch phase, and the post launch.

Many times over now, we have held some top Internet marketers with an extremely successful launch of their products and services.  People like Mike Filsaime, Ken Mcarthur, Joel Christopher,Sterling Balentine, Michael Cheney, and others.  Some of our client list also includes people like Mark Joyner, Armand Morin, Alan Bectold, and most importantly YOU!

We are expecting to launch the new kiosk.WS web site by the end of this week. Included, are a few new features, they are for the first time offering dedicated servers to the public and offering an UNLIMITED domain Hosting with our Titanium package.

Until Next time!

–Joel Therien

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