Hi Everyone!,
We're almost done our data center migration. Most of our Canadian hosted servers are now in Texas. During this final leg of the race, we'll have to cover TWO important points
Tomorrow, Friday December 12th at 09:00 EST, we will begin migrating HotConference.com and all reseller accounts. Our maintenance window will be from 09:00 to 12:00 EST. We're
giving ourselves 3 hours to get everything from Canada to the USA with regards to HotConference.com.
This should not affect you, however, if it does, keep in mind that we are currently in a maintenance window and so downtime is to be expected. Though we do not expect any down time, we may need to incur a bit to insure all services are running properly in our new data center in Texas.
That said, this brings us on to our next point...
Tomorrow is the ultimate due date for anyone using our DNS servers to mask their own DNS. If you have private DNS servers using our IPs and have NOT changed them, you will experience down time.
Our OLD IPs were:
To avoid any down time, you should log in to your registrar, where you propagated the DNS and change the IPs.
The NEW IPs you should be using are:
Again, if you do not change these IPs and you have private DNS servers, your sites will go down. This is a preventative measure only and it is the last warning we can give you.
We're almost fully done our migration and we'll be settling in to our new data center over the next month. If you /">proscar propecia have problems, then let us know via our help desk.
Thanks for taking the time to read up on what's going on.
Warmest regards,
--Joel Therien
Thu, Dec 11, 2008
Business Development