Have Fun Friday’s – Giving Back to a Charity

Fri, Mar 27, 2009

Business Development

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Hi Everyone,

I have to admit, "Have Fun Friday's" blog are my favorites when we bust a gut in laughter.

But having fun comes in a variety of ways. In today's Friday blog, we are having fun by giving back to Humanity.

So here is the situation :D

Our neighbor here in our industrial park has been through the "ringer".. He is a wholesale art dealer who has over $150 000 dollars worth of art at wholesale cost.

He almost went into foreclosure.. but at the last minute sometime in the past week he was able to at least sell the property.

Now he has a 6000 sq foot warehouse FULL of original
art that he is willing to sell for literally Pennies on the dollar.

So here is what we want to do with your possible help.

We want to auction off all the paintings LIVE Hotconference.com style!

>> You will collect a 25% commission on the artwork..

>> 25% will go to a charity that we all agree we want to give to.

>> The last 25% or so will go to my neighbor so that he can get some of his bills paid off.

As you know, we are just about ready to release our new version of Hotconference.com to the public. We think that doing a LIVE art charity in Hotconference.com will do wonders for your affiliate exposure!

The first person to post on the blog today will get a REALLY beautiful original oil painting that you can see on our video blog. They will pay the measly shipping and handling of the painting.

--Joel Therien






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