What are We up to Wednesday’s – Your advice in the re launch of our hosting company!

Hi Everyone!

It is time,

On today's blog we are really asking for your help in helping us define the "angle of attack" for the re launch of /">purchase propecia online our new hosting site at GVOcom.com. What exactly do we mean?

Well for the past two years, we have gone pretty quiet with our affiliate MLM program associated with our Marketing tools and hosting company Kiosk.ws. We went quiet until now because we nearly grew ourselves out of business in Canada.

Here is the good news. Our new data center here in San Antonio is now ready for unlimited growth! So it is time to build our virtual MLM to a 100 million dollar a year company. We will do it together. I'm sure of that!

So now that we are ready, here is where we need YOUR help and advice.

Here are the angles of attack we can use depending on the target market we go after.

Target Market one and angle of attack. Existing hard core and seasoned MLMers.

This market is our favorite, as they will be the business builders. (You fall into this category as an existing Kiosk.ws or Hotconference.com member) The angle we want to take with this group on pre launch is an angle of education. If you are not sure of what we mean, we used educational videos during the pre launch of EasyVideoProducer.com and it worked very well. You can watch those videos at

>>>> http://easyvideoproducer.com/video_list_building.php

By educating people on how to MLM online they will naturally after the fact be inclined to try a virtual MLM company like GVOcom.com. By the way, I like to call MLM online MVM online, which stands for Multi Viral Marketing. I have not been to a hotel MLM meeting in 12 years, its just so much easier by using the viral power of the internet today.

So angle of attack one is by educating people how to use the power of the internet in their existing MLM business.

Angle of attack two: Using hype, using facts around how fast the internet is growing.

I personally have never been a fan of hype. I find it does not last in MLM but there is a high probability that I am not seeing a good angle of attack with this. PLEASE post your ideas on the blog.

Angle of attack three: Please post your ideas with the best angles of attack for the pre launch of Kiosk under the domain GVOcom.com

You are the road warriors, so your help in our re launch is valued dearly and will definitely mold how we do the re launch!

Thanks so much for your help!

--Joel Therien


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