What are we up to Wednesday – More on the GVO Prelaunch and more!

Wed, Apr 15, 2009

Business Development

Good afternoon everyone!,

Mike and I have ALOT to cover with you today on our "What are we up to Wednesday" blog

What we cover:

1. The Pre Launch of GVOcom.com, we cover the teasing phase, the lead generation phase and the post launch phase

2. Desktop sharing mode in our new HOT conference rooms :D

3. EasyVideoProducer.com is still on fire. EVP members will be able to join our GVO launch VERY, VERY soon.

4. We have hired a VERY popular /">baldness hair loss propecia spanish actress to do do ALL our videos for GVOcom.com Hotconference.com and EVP. More than 4 million people a week watch her on American television :D

She is an amazing person and a great friend of Ilona and I

We are committed to serving all languages for the launch of GVO!

If you have skills in any language set other than English, Spanish, or French and you would love to help us bring GVO to the market in other languages please post on our blog below!

--Joel Therien

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